Do You Still Seek Approval From Others?

You Need To Trust Yourself More

Ella Kay
1 min readSep 27, 2022


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

People are largely designed in such a way that we want to know if we are smart, cool, beautiful or successful. It’s easy to achieve this with external confirmation.

In childhood, parents or friends were supposed to give us a quick boost with a pat on the back. Today, we get that kick from likes and thousands of followers on social media.

It seems so natural to receive validation from others in order to improve our self-confidence.

Sure, this validation is helpful. But what happens when it becomes a habit? When this kick is needed more and more often, we become addicted to it like a drug.

I don’t think that can be a healthy thing in the long run.

Even if we still need recognition from others to feel validated, we can slowly build confidence and self-esteem in ourselves.



Ella Kay

Writing about my personal life lessons & self improvement • Freelance writer • Ghostwriter • SEO enthusiast