What Happened When I Deleted All my Social Media Apps

It All Started As An Experiment

Ella Kay
1 min readSep 25, 2022


Photo by Dimitri Karastelev on Unsplash

At first I was really afraid that I could harm my accounts with this action.

I thought if I delete all social media apps, I won’t be able to be online all the time and communicate regularly with all the lovely people in my online community.

I was so worried about whether my followers would hate me, or would no longer be interested in my content. Or maybe they would unfollow me.

The next moment I just did it and I felt so relieved. That was one of the best decisions I made. None of my fears have come true. In fact, many people understood my situation.

It has been so good for my inner peace. That pressure of constantly having to post something was gone. I also had so much more free time that I was able to use wisely.



Ella Kay

Writing about my personal life lessons & self improvement • Freelance writer • Ghostwriter • SEO enthusiast